Gluten Free Bread

A soft gluten-free bread that makes super toast (especially with butter and a good marmalade) or with scrambled eggs. It does take a higher setting on the toaster than wheat-based breads, The really nice thing about this bread is that you do NOT have to knead it - just mix the dough and drop it in the tin and wait for it to rise. You will not build up muscles making this one :) I usually slice it as soon as it is cool and then store it in the freezer. Like most gluten-free breads it can go stale quickly so it is best stored frozen.


  • 420g Gluten free plain flour
  • 2 or 3 tsp Xanthum gum (see video for explanation)
  • 4 tsp Baking Powder
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • 2 tblsp Caster sugar
  • 355 ml warm milk(The temperature that you would use for a baby)
  • 2 tblsp Caster sugar (yes - another 2. There are 4 in total)
  • 2 tblsp yeast
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 60 ml oil

You will also need a 2lb Bread tin measuring about 9.5" x 5.5" x 3" or 24cm x 14cm x 7.5cm


Sieve the plain flour into a bowl. Add the salt, Xanthum gum, 2 tblsp of caster sugar and baking powder. In another bowl mix the warm milk, the other 2 tblsp Castor sugar and yeast. Wait for about 10minutes for the yeast to become active. In your third bowl, mix the eggs, white wine vinegar and oil. Add the active yeast mixture to this and stir. Now add the mixture to your dry powders and stir, until you have a dough like mixture. You do not need to kneed gluten free bread, so it makes the process much easier than breads with gluten. Once you have created the dough, put onto a floured surface and shape the dough into shape, adding more flour as you shape the dough. Once you have shaped the dough put into the bread tin, making sure that you pat the dough into all the corners. Now put the bread into a warm space about 30°C to rise for about 1/2 hour to 40minutes

Now warm the oven to 175°C to 200°C. So put bread into the oven with it initially at 200°C for 10minutes then turn the oven down to 175°C for a futher 20minutes. Bring the bread out and knock out of the bread tin straight away. It is petter to let it cool for a few minutes, but we had a look straight away.

Top Tip

When measuring out the oil, pour it into your measuring spoon over your bread tin, that way if you spill any, you can use the oil to oil your bread bin. Once oiled, use plenty of flour so the bread does not stick.

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