Watch our "Pork Chilli Soup" video and add comments

Pork Chilli Soup

This was a new recipe to us but we could see that it had potential. When we start changing a recipe we start with something other people have written and then we change it and something different...
Watch our "Pea and Ham soup" video and add comments

Pea and Ham Soup

Cooking on a boat is a little bit different to cooking elsewhere as you are trying to do several things. Reduce the amount of water that you are using, reduce the amount of gas you are using and...
Watch our "How to cook steak" video and add comments

How to cook steak

This video is a little bit different as there is only one ingredient and that is steak, but there are a lot of hints and tips on how to cook your steak, and if you like mushrooms like we do then...
Watch our "Chicken Satay" video and add comments etc.

Chicken Satay - Masterclass

If you ever need to cook satay sauce from scratch then this is your masterclass in how to make the sauce. Cooking the sauce this way will mean that you can have it gluten free and just the way you...
Watch our "Hot and Sour Soup" video and add comments etc.

Hot and Sour Soup

Hot and Sour Soup is a great soup for using leftovers up, as the vegetables that can be added are quite varied, which is why the soups nickname is junk soup, but seeing as I put in 2 teaspoons of...
Watch our "Pork in Cider" recipe and add comments

Pork in Cider

We like to use local ingredients when we can, so when we saw some Irish cider on the shelf at the local supermarket, it gave us the perfect opportunity to get a nice piece of pork meat and cook pork...
Watch our "Champ and Pork Bellies" and add comments etc.

Champ and Pork Bellies

When the weather is 'orrible then champ is traditional Irish recipe and is a really good comfort food. It can be served with all sorts of fish and meats, but in this meal we cooked it with Pork...
Watch our "Pot roast" video and add comments etc

Beef Pot roast

Beef pot roast is a really simple dish and it is really great when you have a very hectic life as you can leave it get on with it, while you do other things. Ingredients Beef joint such...
Watch "My perfect omelette" and add coments etc

My perfect omelette

For getting rid of leftovers then an omelette is a great dish. There are lots of different varieties and they are really simple to do. There are however a few key secrets that you need to know in...
Watch our "Chicken Biryani" video and add comments etc.

Chicken Biryani

This week we had guests coming aboard and we had some fresh cherry tomatoes so we used them to make a chicken biryani Ingredients - Serves 4 Meat sauce layer 2 chicken breasts 2...